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INFO PAÍS :: Kosovo
Info General VIURE

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Delegació/ns Generalitat
Hebrangova 32.
10000 Zagreb
República de Croàcia
Delegat/da:Eric Hauck
Oficines Acció

VIURE a Kosovo


Visa regime is not applied for most visitors entering Kosovo. However, please make sure you check online information on the official web site of Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition, to visit Kosovo, also check with Kosovo Embassy in your country or the nearest one to your country.


If you want to visit Kosovo, you should consult Kosovo Embassy in your country of origin. In case there is no Kosovo Embassy in your country of origin, then you should consider consulting the closest Kosovo Embassy to your country of origin in order to better understand the procedures that apply to you for entering Kosovo.

According to the official web site of Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Countries that can enter without visa in Kosovo,157

The exemption from the visa requirement applies to the citizens of the following countries:

Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria*, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgium*, Belize, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria*, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Croatia*, Cyprus*, Czech Republic*, Denmark*, Dominica, East Timor, El Salvador, Estonia*, Fiji, Finland*, France*, Germany*, Greece*, Grenada, Guatemala, Guiana, Holly See*, Honduras, Hungary*, Iceland*, Israel, Ireland*, Italy*, Japan, Jordan, Kingdom of Saudi, Arabia. Kiribati, Kuwait, Latvia*, Lesotho, Liechtenstein*, Lithuania*, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta*, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Monaco*, Montenegro, Namibia, Nauru, Netherlands*, New Papua Guinea, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway*, Oman, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Poland*, Portugal*, Qatar, Romania*, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grenadine, Samoa, San Marino*, Sao Tome and Principe, Serbia, Seychelles Islands, Slovakia*, Slovenia*, Solomon Islands, South Africa, South Korea, Spain*, Swaziland, Sweden*, Swiss Confederation*, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland*, United States of America, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela

*EU or Schengen member states

Special Categories Exempted from Visa Requirements,158

The exemption from the visa requirement applies also to the following categories:

Citizens of the countries which are required to obtain a visa for Kosovo but hold a biometric valid residence permit issued by one of the Schengen member states or a valid multi-entry Schengen Visa are exempt from the requirement to obtain a Visa to enter, transit, or stay in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo for up to 15 days.

Citizens of: EU and Schengen Zone Member States; Holy See; Principality of Andorra; Principality of Monaco; Republic of San Marino, Republic of Albania, Montenegro, and Republic of Serbia are allowed to enter, transit, and stay in Kosovo for up to 90 days for a six-months period with a valid biometric identification card.

Holders of diplomatic and service passports issued by Russian Federation States, People?s Republic of China, Egypt, Indonesia and Ukraine shall be allowed to enter, transit or stay up to 15 days in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.

Holders of valid travel documents issued by Special Administrative Regions of People?s Republic of China: Hong Kong and Macao are exempted from the obligation to obtain a visa.

Holders of travel documents issued by Taiwan shall be exempted from the obligation to obtain a visa provided that they preliminarily notify the Diplomatic or Consular Mission of the Republic of Kosovo, at least 2 weeks in advance.

Holders of Travel documents issued by EU Member States, Schengen zone States, United States of America, Canada, Australia and Japan based on the 1951 Convention on Refugee Status or the 1954 Convention on the Status of Stateless Persons, as well as holders of valid travel documents for foreigners, may enter, pass through the territory and stay in the Republic of Kosovo up to 15 days without a visa.

Holders of Laissez-Passer, regardless of their nationality, issued by United Nations Organizations, NATO, OSCE, Council of Europe and European Union, are also exempt from the visa requirement.



The voltage used in Kosovo is 220 Volts AC at 50HZ. Most power sockets are designed for standard 2 round prongs. Electrical appliances in Kosovo generally use the Western European standard plug with 2 square pins. Plug socket adaptors and power transformers are available and you can buy them electrical shops or at some other small shops.


The quality of tap water in Kosovo is good and you can usually drink from taps that supply water to kitchen areas. However, we suggest you get bottled water that is widely available in all local grocery shops and supermarkets.


Police: 92 (landline)
192 (cell phone)
922 (cell phone)
Firefighters: 93
Hospital Emergency: 94
Bus Station: +383 (0) 38 550 001
Prishtina Airport +383 (0) 38 548 900
Train Station: +383 (0) 38 536 355
Ipko-Telephony, Internet & TV +383 (0) 38 700 700
+383 (0) 49 700 700
Vala ? PTK Mobile Telephony) +383 (0) 38 548 367
PTK Fix Telephony 977
PTK Information Office: 988
Kujtesa ? Internet & TV +383 (0) 38 248 900
National Theatre: +383 (0) 44 430 693
Dodona Theatre: +383 (0) 38 230 623
Oda Theatre: +383 (0) 38 246 555
National Library: +383 (0) 38 249 650
Kino ABC: +383 (0) 38 244 236
Kino ABC 1: +383 (0) 38 222 086
British Council: +383 (0) 38 243 292
DHL: +383 (0) 38 245 545
TNT: +383 (0) 38 247 247
UPS: +383 (0) 38 242 222
FedEx: +383 (0) 38 550 870
Western Union: +383 (0) 38 244 311


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2023-05-30Desenes de soldats de l'OTAN i manifestants serbis, ferits en enfrontaments al nord de Kosovo
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